Sociologist of data analytics and emerging technologies

Taylor M. Cruz is a sociologist of science, technology, and medicine. She studies the societal dimensions of data analytics and artificial intelligence, with a strong focus on power, inequality, and social justice. She is broadly interested in how digital transformations impact everyday life, and draws on qualitative and ethnographic methods to follow data analytics across social contexts. Her scholarship is featured in Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Social Science & Medicine, Engaging STS, and Big Data & Society, and has received recognition and awards from the American Sociological Association and the Society for the Study of Social Problems.

Taylor is Associate Professor of Sociology and faculty affiliate at the Center for Ethnography and Cultural Analysis at California State University, Fullerton. She received her PhD in Sociology from University of California, San Francisco, where she was an NSF Graduate Research Fellow and remains a network affiliate with the Emancipatory Sciences Lab. She splits her time between the SF Bay Area and Los Angeles.

Recent work: Check out our critical STS zine on AI and automation! “AI for Whose Good? Lessons from Community Resistance to Automation at the Port of LA” By Sophie Wang and Taylor M. Cruz